Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Primer: Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images

Primer: Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images
"USGS imagery and photos are used in some part with many of the online mapping services like Windows Live Local, TerraFly, TerraServer, and NASA's WorldWind to name only a few places where it's found. It's also possible (and easy) to download and directly access USGS imagery."(via Resourceshelf)

Ancient Observatories Gallery

Source: SpaceImaging /GeoEye
Ancient Observatories Gallery is a source for ancient ruins and other locations observed from space. Images can be downloaded and saved for offline usage. Locations include:
+ Chichen Itza, Mexico
+ Machu Pizu, Peru
+ Stonehenge, UK
+ Easter Island, Chile
+ Casa Rinconada, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, U.S.
+ Several others (via Resourceshelf)

Printable Maps-United States

Printable Maps with counties and selected cities and towns are available through in PDF and GIF (via Resourceshelf)