Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute in San Diego

GEON will hold a week-long Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists (CSIG) from August 9-13, 2010 at the University of California, San Diego. This year’s program featured two tracks:
  1. Overview of the technologies utilized to develop earth science cyberinfrastructure.
  2. Utilization of cyberinfrastructure-based data systems and tools can be used in geoscience education and research.
Forty-two participants took part in the 2009 CSIG representing academia, private industry, and several agencies. As in the past, students traveled from countries such as Mexico, Ireland, and New Zealand to attend.

Online applications are now being accepted. Application deadline is June 6, 2010.

Key Links:
Tentative Program Info
Location & Lodging
Previous Years

About GEON: The goal in GEON is to develop a set of software services that can respond to a “natural” request from users. Integrating a variety of multi-dimensional data in response to such a request requires a common framework. GEON is developing the OpenEarth Framework (OEF) to facilitate such integration. More information here.

The CSIG is made possible through funding provided by the National Science Foundation.

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